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🦾 Level up your designs and your productivity with Canva’s new Magic Studio

Hi friend 👋

Welcome to another edition of Marketing At Scale, where we provide actionable insights and practical guides within marketing and tech – that can all be consumed within your coffee break (or the beverage of your choice…matcha latte anyone?) 🍵

Today, we’re taking a closer look at the magic happening over at Canva. But it’s not the kind you’d find in a children’s book. No, this magic is created at the intersection of AI and design.

Canva’s new suite of AI features, called Magic Studio, is the tech-savvy fairy godmother for freelance marketers, waving its AI wand to automate the design tasks that often eat into creative time.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these new features - designed (haha designed..get it?) to make your life as a busy freelancer a whole lot easier.

💡 In this issue:

✅ Canva goes all in on AI with Magic Studio ✅ ICYMI: ChatGPT Vision; LinkedIn goes big on new AI tools ✅ Podcast: AI CEO reveals 3 ways marketers can win in the AI era

Let’s dive in 🏊‍♀️


👀 Tech tip

Level up your design game with Canva’s new Magic Studio

Canva’s new AI features are here - and they are next level

Let's jump right in and take a closer look at these features.

1. Magic Design

At the heart of Magic Studio lies Magic Design, a tool that is almost like having a conversation with your design software. Magic Design has been around for a while but Canva has been innovating and improving on this feature, especially for video and presentations. Simply type in what you are looking for, like ”create a slide deck to detail my freelance marketing services” or “produce a video to share client success stories,” and voila! You might need to do some final editing before your designs are ready to go, but Magic Design gets you a long way. No more starting from a blank canva(s)!

2. Magic Switch

Magic Switch lets you repurpose your content in a flash! Got a presentation that would work wonders as a video? Or a social post that could be repurposed into a blog? Then Magic Switch is your go-to. This tool rearranges your visual and textual content to fit into a new format, blurring the lines between different media types. It’s about seeing your content as adaptable assets, that can be reframed to serve diverse purposes. PLUS you can use Magic Switch across languages for instant translation of your designs, how cool is that?!

3. Magic Media

Magic Media opens a new world of possibilities, where text transforms into images or motion videos. Powered by OpenAI’s Dall-E and Google’s Imagen, this feature cuts down the hours spent in sketching, rendering, or searching for the perfect visual asset. With Magic Media you can quickly turn your creative vision into reality.

4. Magic write

This feature has been around for a while but just got a major upgrade - there is now a built-in brand voice feature where you can input your brand voice to ensure the copy generated by Magic Write stays on brand. Your copy probably still needs some editing but you’ll get a much better first draft by using the brand voice feature.

5. New Image and Video Editing Tools

With Canva’s new image and video editing tools, it’s almost like having your own AI editing assistant! Magic Studio is leveling up the editing game with tools like Magic Grab, Magic Expand, Magic Animate and Magic Morph. Want to drag unwanted elements out of your frame? Magic Grab it! Need to fill a larger frame with parts of your image? Magic Expand is at your service. With Magic Animate and Magic Morph you can add motion and morphing text or shapes in your designs, making your designs more engaging, creative and fun!

6. Level up your workflow with AI powered apps

Canva also lets you access some of the latest AI apps right from inside Canva! Explore new ways to streamline your workflow with high-quality music, unique illustrations, talking avatars, and much more from the likes of Murf AI, Soundraw, Heygen, D-ID, and Mojo AI. Check out Canva’s entire app marketplace.


Canva’s Magic Studio is next level. We’re not sponsored by Canva in any way, it’s just our honest opinion. Whether you are drafting a social media post, a video, or a full-blown marketing campaign, Magic Studio is where your ideas take flight, fueled by a touch of AI magic and a whole lot of creativity. If you haven’t tried it already - get in there and start exploring!

Sharing a helpful video tutorial for small business owners on some of these new features - by Jacqui Naunton​


📢 In case you missed it

ChatGPT Vision: OpenAI adds image and voice capabilities to Chat GPT

The feature, also referred to as GPT4V is being rolled out to paying subscribers of ChatGPT. With access to the feature, you can upload an image to the ChatGPT app on iOS or Android and ask it a question. Here are two use case examples that are spot on 👇

LinkedIn goes big on new AI tools for learning, recruitment, marketing and sales

LinkedIn’s new AI tools include AI assistance in LinkedIn’s Recruiter talent sourcing platform; an AI-powered LinkedIn Learning coach; and a new AI-powered tool for marketing campaigns, called Accelerate. Double-clicking on their marketing tool, here is what Accelerate is all about, in LinkedIn’s own words:

“In as little as five minutes, Accelerate will recommend an end-to-end campaign and automatic optimizations to reach the right B2B audience with engaging creatives, which marketers can adjust and fine-tune before they launch their campaign.”

Accelerate is currently being rolled out to selected advertisers in North America, Australia and India, with a plan for Accelerate to be available globally in 2024.



AI CEO reveals 3 ways marketers can win in the AI era

“AI turns every marketer into a creator”

In this episode of Marketing Against the Grain - hosts Kipp and Kieran speak to May Habib, CEO and co-founder of Writer, about the transformative impact of AI on marketing and content creation.


🥳 Just for fun


That’s it for this edition!

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